Maria Marchewka • Apr 09, 2024
Press Release Distribution: A Blueprint for Boosting Visibility

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Press Release Distribution: A Blueprint for Boosting Visibility

Are you looking for new ways to generate earned media coverage for your business?

You're trying different marketing strategies like social media, content, paid advertising, but nothing seems to move the needle.

The missing piece to your outreach efforts could be press release distribution.

In this blog, you'll learn:

  • How to write a press release that catches journalists' attention
  • The importance of using the proper press release format
ACCESSWIRE | Media Suite

How to Write a Press Release That'll Get Journalists’ Attention

Press release distribution can help your brand stand out in today's overcrowded media landscape.

A press release is a powerful tool for announcing new products, events, or company updates.

With that in mind, writing a press release that gets journalists’ attention starts with the proper press release format that includes.

Below are the key components every campaign should include:

An attention-grabbing headline

Your headline is the first thing journalists and your target audience see, so it’s important you make it count. Here are a few tips:

  • Make it short and sweet – Your headline should be no more than 10 words long and succinctly address the main message of your press release.
  • Use SEO keywords - What words or phrases do your target audience use to search for information about your industry?
  • Avoid clickbait - Using a clickbait headline can mislead people and harm your brand's credibility and reputation.

Read our blog Press Release Headline Tips for more tips and advice.

Keep it newsworthy

The newsworthiness of your press releases can unlock your earned media potential.

When writing your content, always ensure it’s timely, relevant, unique, and exclusive.

  • Timely – Your campaign should cover a news story that’s happening now or soon.
  • Relevant – The topic should interest your target audience. Ask yourself, “Why would someone care about this news?”
  • Unique – One way to connect with your audience is to cover topics they're interested in. You can also share your viewpoint on a trend in a new and interesting way. This will help capture their interest and keep them engaged.
  • Exclusive – Exclusivity in your messaging gets people to pay attention and act. Let’s say you’re launching a new product; your press release should be the first place journalists hear about it.

Include the Most Important Information First

Use the inverted pyramid to address the who, what, when, where, why, and how (5 W’s + How) of in the first paragraph.

  • Who – Who's involved in the news? Is it a company update or is it about an individual in your organization?
  • What – What happened? This is the main message of your press release.
  • When – When did the news take place?
  • Where – Where did your news take place?
  • Why – Why did this happen? What’s the main reason you're sharing this news?
  • How – How did the events transpire?

Supporting Information

The supporting paragraphs of your campaign should include details that back up the main message.

Always include a quote from a C-suite executive or topic matter expert from your company. The quote should add context and help explain the significance of your news.


The boilerplate sits at the end of the content and serves as a condensed "About Us" section.

It allows your brand to share important information about your company with journalists and your target audience.

To update yours or start from scratch, check out our blog post, What is a Press Release Boilerplate and How Do You Write One?

Press Release Format Tips

To make your press release easier to read, use short paragraphs and bullet points.

Finally, always proofread your content to make sure it adheres to AP Style guidelines and professionally portrays your brand.

 Free Press Release Template

You have news to share, and we have the press release template you can use to ensure every campaign includes your most important information.

Download Now

From the Wire to the Web: How to Promote Your Press Releases

Once you’ve written your campaign, it’s time to share it with the public.

We offer global distribution options with flat-fee pricing and no restrictions on word counts or multimedia.

Explore our press release distribution services.

Pricing Options

Media Pitching

Our Media Pitching tool is part of our Media Suite. You can use it to send personalized media pitches to hand-picked journalists.

Media pitching is an integral step in the media outreach process that leads to earned media opportunities.

Schedule a demo of our Media Pitching tool.

Share on Social Media

Once you send your campaign on the wire, use social media to expand your reach and build a buzz around your news.

Add it to Your Media Room

Putting your press releases in your media room makes it easy for the media to access your content.

Did you know our distribution services seamlessly integrate with our Media Room offering? This means when you publish a press release with us, it automatically shows up in your Media Room.

Learn More

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