Maria Marchewka • May 23, 2024
When should you send a press release before an event?

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When should you send a press release before an event?

As a public relations (PR) professional, you’ve seen first-hand how a well-timed and strategic press release can help amplify the reach and impact of your news.

When it comes to events, sending an event press release can help companies pique media interest, create excitement, and attract more attention to their involvement.

But, much like with any marketing tactic, the topic of timing comes into play.

When is the best time to issue a press release for an event?

That’s the question we answer in this blog post.

What’s the best publishing schedule for an event press release?

The effectiveness of any press release distribution campaign, but especially an event press release hinges on timing.

To get the most out of your efforts, follow this suggested posting cadence:

Pre-event - Announcement

Aim to send your initial announcement of your involvement, whether it’s attending, hosting, or sponsoring about two weeks prior to the event.

This gives your news enough time to reach the right people and keeps you top-of-mind.

Pre-event – Reminder

To build on the momentum you’ve created, consider sending a reminder-style press release about two to three days before the event. This serves as a reminder for the people who saw your first press release and a new opportunity to reach more people who might have missed your first campaign.


Post-event – Recap

After the event, you can send a final press release that highlights your experience at the event. Include successes, share photos and video, include noteworthy quotes from participants and organizers if possible, and offer your key takeaways.

This press release will extend the lifecycle of your involvement in the event with the media, but it also encourages people who didn’t go this year, to go next year.

What’s the best day to distribute a press release?

While there’s no magic day and time guaranteed to generate the best results for your press release distribution, there are suggestions.

We suggest distributing your press releases mid-week. Think Tuesday through Thursday. These days yield the best engagement.

When it comes to timing, aim for between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.

It’s important to note that these are just suggestions.

The more press releases you send, the more data you’ll collect that’ll help you tailor your approach and sending times moving forward.

3 Effective Ways to Promote an Event Press Release

You want maximum exposure for your brand leading up to an event. To help with that, try these three promotional strategies:

Use Your Website and Social Media Channels

Once your release hits the wire, amplify it by featuring it in your website’s Media Room and share it across your social channels.

Send Targeted Media Pitches

Media Pitching is a pivotal piece to the press release distribution process. At ACCESSWIRE, our Media Pitching tool is part of our Media Suite, an all-in-one media outreach platform.

To improve the effectiveness of your media pitches, start by doing research to identify the right media professionals who cover topics relevant to your event.

NOTE: Our Media Database, the most accurate on the market, is also included in our Media Suite!

From there, craft personalized pitches that emphasize your unique vantage point of the event and your involvement.

When you highlight the relevance for the journalist, you strengthen your relationship with the journalist which can improve your chances of securing earned media coverage.

Repurpose the Press Release Content

Make the most of your press release content by reposting it in various formats.

Take the key points and turn them into a blog post, an email campaign, or additional social media posts.

Doing so extends the life of your original press release and expands your reach.

What are the benefits of sending an event press release?

The benefits of sending an event press release are plentiful. Here are six of them:

Increased visibility and awareness

By sending an event press release, you’re putting your company on the radar of attendees, sponsors, and interested media outlets.

Earned media opportunities

Press releases are the gateway to earned media opportunities. Pairing strategic press releases with effective media pitches can help you secure earned media coverage that amplifies your reach far beyond your immediate audience.

Strengthens authority and credibility

Press releases are authoritative pieces of content. Distributing campaigns that promote your event involvement can enhance the perception of your brand which in turn strengthens your authority and credibility.

SEO boost

Include targeted SEO keywords in your press releases and backlinks to relevant pages on your website to drive more traffic.

Both can help improve your online visibility which gives your SEO efforts a boost in the process.


Compared to other marketing efforts, press release distribution is an affordable option for building a buzz and reaching the press and public.

At ACCESSWIRE, our press releases start at $175.

Explore Our Pricing Options

Brand building

Press releases are a valuable brand-building tool because it gives you the platform to share your excitement about and potential impact of the event you’re attending, hosting, or sponsoring.

Event Press Release Template

Press releases are an integral piece of your event promotion strategy. If you have events on your schedule this year, use our event press release template to ensure you include the most important details, every time.

Event Press Release Template

Press releases are an integral piece of your event promotion strategy. If you have events on your schedule this year, use our event press release template to ensure you include the most important details, every time.


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