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Interior Designer Alvin Parmassar Discusses How Rearranging Items in Your Living Space Can Improve Your Disposition and Outlook on Life

Monday, 29 March 2021 10:15 AM

Alvin Parmassar says that rearranging a living space can help people regain the sense of power and control in their lives during the COVID-19 pandemic.

NEW YORK, NY / ACCESSWIRE / March 29, 2021 / It has been an extremely long year for people all over the world. The COVID-19 pandemic issued in an era of fear and uncertainty. People have had to contend with a lot of firsts. Whether it was working from home or teaching kids from home, people everywhere had to learn how to basically make their living spaces the center of their universe for the better part of a year. Interior designer Alvin Parmassar says that people should consider rearranging their living spaces to give them a boost.

Lockdowns and isolation have taken their toll on Americans. Grandparents long to see their grandchildren, and other people just want to be able to sit down in their favorite coffee house or restaurant with their friends. Social distancing has basically made it impossible for people to be able to engage in activities with others safely, which has caused people to feel a lot of stress. "People are not sleeping, they are in a constant state of worry, they are anxious, distracted, and depressed. I read an article issued by the Dana Foundation that described the state of the American people right now as a mental health crisis,"Alvin Parmassar stated.

There are some studies that have been conducted that show that people can actually change their mood and their outlook on life by changing their environment. "I truly believe that changing the environment you are in can do a lot in terms of improving your disposition. One of the things that people can do to help themselves feel just a little better during this pandemic is to rearrange your furniture. It may not seem like an important thing to do, but rearranging furniture gives your living space a sense of newness. When people see something new, it gives them a burst of energy because newness represents renewal and opportunity," Alvin Parmassar said.

During the course of the pandemic, there have been so many people who have experienced a great sense of loss which has contributed to the rising rates of depression and anxiety in the United States. Alvin Parmassar stated, "Look, there are people who have lost family members and friends, and people are having conflicts with the people who live in their homes because they are basically stuck with each other. To make things worse, there are just so many people who are out of work right now. All of these things, and a litany of others, have left people feeling like they just don't have any control over their lives. Rearranging a living space gives people a sense of control. They have the power to place things where they want and when they want, and that is not only motivational, but something as simple as moving a chair or a table can help people restore their sense of power."

Alvin Parmassar added, "I don't claim to be a psychologist or a psychiatrist, but what I do know is that during these troubled times, it is important for people to find something that is going to help them build their self-esteem and promote their psychological well-being. I might even go so far as to suggest that the greatest thing about rearranging your furniture is in tough times when there is not a whole lot of money to spend, helps to restore a sense of purpose, and can change your outlook."

Caroline Hunter
Web Presence, LLC
+1 786-551-9491

SOURCE: Alvin Parmassar

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