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Realtor Gives Five Tips When Selling Your House If You Are Going Through A Divorce

Wednesday, 02 December 2020 08:00 AM

REMI Realty

LONG ISLAND, NY / ACCESSWIRE / December 2, 2020 / Andrew Ragusa is the CEO/Broker of REMI Realty on Long Island, NY. He is available for interviews to share his tips below.

1. Take a few minutes and clear your mind - this is a highly emotional time for people and it's really important for everyone involved to gather their thoughts together. People affect each other, and sometimes the thoughts, opinion, and beliefs of another person actually stop the first person from being able to take any action or even think for themselves. Try to find a space where you can be alone, sit down with a pen and paper, and start to write out a list of 5 or 6 thoughts/opinions/ideas that another person gave to you that immediately occupy your attention. Writing them down and organizing the noise going on in your head is going to bring to light things that were said to you which have kept you from getting into motion or even made you start to question your own certainty. Audit these thoughts out of your head by writing them on paper and take the time to clear out your mind.

2. Now immediately after, you want to start writing down EXACTLY what you know in your mind is your own thoughts/ideas/opinions on the same exact subjects you wrote about above. You see what ends up happening all too often is the words that come from other people may actually put you in a state of confusion if they contradict what you know to be true. Sometimes other people actually can put a stop on your ability to take action and make decisions because they can have you convinced something or situation is real/true and you just quite do not see it for yourself. It's better to reinstall your own thoughts/ideas/opinions so you can make your own best decisions and re-affirm your certainty than it is to feel powerless when making your own decisions or taking action.

3. Learn to trust yourself again. What if I was to say to you your brain is the best computer that was ever invented and it can never make a wrong decision? You would probably want to tell me all of the times you made the wrong decision! Well let's examine something, why do we have the phenomenon called "regret?" Regret only exists because we found out something after something else has occurred. You see, when in the moment of making a decision, your mind will compute all the information it has at that particular time and it will tell you the best possible decision to make right then and there.

Your perception of the reality you're facing, your knowledge of the people involved, and your ability to imagine the likely outcomes are all working together in that moment and quickly your brain puts together a decision for you. The only reason you have ever made a decision you regret is because you found out something AFTER you did something. You cannot beat yourself up for learning about a person, place, thing, or situation after a decision is made because if you knew in the beginning what you know in the end, you never would have made that decision in the first place. That's why it's called regret. Trust your decision making skills again, because taking any action is better than no action.

4. You cleared out your mind, reaffirmed your thoughts, and now you learned to trust yourself again. It's time to prepare the family for the market. Get the kids or anyone else living in the house to understand your feelings, or at least anyone who needs to know how you feel, and let everyone in the house know it's time to keep the place looking as clean as possible. Buyers can make appointment requests very last minute sometimes, and the last thing you want to do is scramble to clean up.

You should be feeling more calm and confident with yourself for taking the above actions and now it shouldn't be so difficult for you to control the other people in your house the best you can. Besides, a clean and orderly environment feels great! No leader can lead their army if they themselves are not prepared, well informed, and feeling confident. First you take care of you, and now you take care of the home. You got this!

5. Work with a Realtor you trust- A realtor becomes one of your closest friends very quickly if they are good at their job. They spend a lot of time with you in your home and they communicate with you almost everyday. When you meet the right person, they won't need to "sell" you on their services. It will just feel right when you communicate with them. Use your intuition and trust the read you get on a person. As long as they have a solid plan, extensive knowledge of their craft, and the right kind of energy; you probably got the right person in front of you.

Trust all of your senses when selecting the realtor because they can be the biggest determining factor in how much money you get for the house over any other detail. They have to be a skilled negotiator and charming talker! This is the beginning of a new chapter for you, and a little bit of time spent affirming your own thoughts and learning to trust yourself is going to go a long way for the rest of your very enjoyable life!

About Andrew Ragusa
Andrew Ragusa is the CEO/Broker of REMI Realty on Long Island , NY.  He is a Licensed Real Estate Broker, Sellers Representative Specialist, Accredited Buyer Representative, & Short Sale and Foreclosure Resource Specialist. Andrew is a regular in the media everywhere talking about real estate issues.

REMI Realty, Wednesday, December 2, 2020, Press release picture

For interviews, contact: Mark Goldman of Goldman McCormick PR at [email protected] or call/text: 516.639.0988


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