SEOUL, KOREA / ACCESSWIRE / September 18, 2020 / SPExchange is the world's first FREE service cryptocurrency exchange, combined with a diverse ecosystem including, which was successfully launched on September 5, 2020. This is a Trading Option exchange with many outstanding advantages.
SPExchange is slated to be released on QI / 2021. They are the pioneer in providing free exchange services. They are about to change the initial concept of the functions and duties of cryptocurrency exchanges. If in the past, funding for listing coins/tokens and market maker services was an issue that was always a difficulty for blockchain startups, SPExchange's task was to solve these problems and expand the creative spaces for potential blockchain projects.
Over years, cryptocurrency exchanges have emerged as one of the industries that have benefited the most from the Cryptocurrency craze despite the volatility of bitcoin and altcoins. Thousands of new Cryptocurrency exchanges are constantly being launched, but the achievement of promoting application and development of blockchain technology is still very limited, because the majority of exchanges is currently focusing on profits rather than support for blockchain projects.
SPExchange's solution is to provide the full cost of free listing service for new blockchain projects, potential blockchain startups when it passes the project approval round. Based on this idea, SPExchange aims to build a new Amazon in the blockchain industry that is now on trending.
SPExchange CMO, Adam Nguyen said: "With our premium services, we are here to shape emerging technology ideas, support and motivate blockchain startups to thrive by connecting them with the global blockchain community ". In addition, we also waive all transaction fees for organizations, funds and individuals to participate in transactions on our platform when they hold SPCoin (SPC) - the token of SPExchange.
With the technology and the operation team from Korea, a leading country in the development of crypto currency exchanges with more than 200 exchanges are in operation up to now, SPExchange offers pleasant experiences and services for all users and developers.
About SPExchange
SPExchange is a cryptocurrency exchange based in South Korea. With its special free fee mechanism, SPExchange aims to provide the best services for global users and creates opportunities for potential blockchain startups to develop confidently without worrying about listing and services fees.
Media Contact
Company: SPExchange
Contact: Media Team
E-mail: [email protected]
Telephone: +82 10-5800-3322
SOURCE: SPExchange